How To Recover Administrator Password Using ERD Commander

Have you forgotten administrator password for your Windows 7/Vista/XP powered computer, now you are worried that you have to format and reinstall windows in order to gain access to your windows admin account. Well It happens with many of us and even though we have helped other in this we don’t take care ow our own password. We tend to forget and this is a normal human tendency.

But you can recover your forgotten password using Lock Smith utility which is part of ERD Commander tool by win internals. How to do that is explained below.

E.R.D. Commander by Win internals —

ERD Commander is part of the Microsoft Diagnostics and recovery Toolkit and can be downloaded from Microsoft’s site or other sources you know.  Among several method which can be used to Rest admin password in Windows 7/Vista/XP ERD commander is one of them.

This tool is very useful if you don’t have more than one working admin account in your windows installation and you lost password for that. Also You don’t have password reset disk as well as Windows Installation disk, or lost any or both of these.


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Send 1GB Large File As Attachement

Well these days each and every Free Webmail providers are giving you lots of free space, even some of them have given Virtually unlimited or Unlimited space… Like Gmail is giving more than 7Gb space (and counting) . Yahoo gives you unlimited space and same as rediffmail…

Also All of these Free mail provider are giving you a Large attachment size, varying from 10-20 MB but that’s not enough if you want to share Large Videos and Lots of pictures. So Pando is a free service which can be used to send large file in single email (as large as 1Gb for free and 3GB with Paid version). It works with free web email services such as gmail, Yahoo Mail,  Hotmail and many others, and it also works with the email program on your own computer.

What is Pando and How It works ?

Pando is free personal Peer-to-peer software using which we can send and receive large file and folders through email. When you send large files using Pando, It uploads file to it;s own server, and then create an attachment of a small file (much like torrent). This pando Attachment can be opened using Pando on remote computer which in turn will download the files from it’s server sent by original sender.  You can send files over IM, or you can also publish the files on Forums.


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Effective and Free AntiMalware – Malwarebyte

Malwares and Spywares are spreading over the internet very widely these days. And there are several Malware removers available to download. Only few of them are fast and lightweight application with lots of feature. MalwareBytes’ Antimalware is one of the best antimalware available on net which is free to download and use as well.


Malware Byte is very fast and it uses very less amount of system resources while running or scanning. At the same time it is very effective as well. It’s free version scans all drives pretty fast and it’s false detection ratio is very less. If you go for paid version you can get real time protection also. The paid version cost you only 24.95$ per license which protects 3 PC at your home.  It’s Malware database is updated regularly and it can catch newest Malwares and spywares because of the same reason.

Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware runs on the edge as far as detection and removal of Spyware or malware is concerned. It can quickly detect and destroy most of Malware which sometimes well known antivirus and antispyware failed to find for which you have to pay a lot.  Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware monitors all process running on your computer and detects any harmful process even before it executes.


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Use OpenDNS to Speed Up Internet Browsing

Have you ever wondered How Domain Name works, and what is domain name ? The name of Website such as or is called domain name. Now next question is when you put a domain name into your Web Browsers address bar how does it know where is this site located and it opens the correct site ?

So here is answer to your question –

When we type a site address or domain name (  in our web browsers address bar, The Web browser or our computer find IP address of the computer which is having this site. This is called Domain Name resolving. Now once the Web browser know the exact IP address of computer or web server having pages requested it connect to that computer and download the web page, images etc and show you in your web browser.

All Operating systems uses a DNS (Domain Name Server) to find out IP address of the server having web pages you requested. By default your ISP or Network administrator configures your computer to use their DNS Server. These DNS server may be slow and also takes some time to update. If the site requested by you is not available with DNS server specified it looks for address in Other DNS server and then fetches the web page you requested. This process can take a lot of time and you will feel a slow browsing speed.

You can increase performance of your internet browsing by using more efficient and fast DNS server of your choice.  As Each site you want to visit must be resolved to it’s IP address, the Speed of browsing depends on performance of your DNS server.  Sometime it takes even few second before your computer resolve the Address of Site you requested to see.

OpenDNS  ( provides free access to there DNS servers. Anyone on the internet can use their servers and they are very fast and reliable as well. In last 2 years of my experience with them I don’t remember a single instance when DNS server provided by OpenDNS went down. However it happened several times with my ISP’s DNS servers. Using OpenDNS Servers will increase your browsing speed by reducing time taken to resolve your site address or URL to IP address.


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