Street Fighter & Blood On the Sand
50 Cent: Blood On The Sand
Pros: Simple fun to play.
Cons: Derivative; lots of bad language.
Blood On The Sand is, surprisingly, the second game to be based on rap star 50 Cent. What’s even more surprising, given how bad the first game was, it’s actually a mostly playable game. You play – no shocks here – as 50 Cent, backed up by a member of G-Unit (that’ll make sense to fans, and not to anybody else) in a third-person action game that bears a very strong resemblance to Gears Of War.

The plot it astoundingly weird – Fifty’s on a rampage in an unnamed Middle Eastern country to recover a diamond-encrusted skull that he’s been given as a concert payment – but one you get past that and the continuous bad language, there’s actually some fun to be had here. Blood On The Sand glories in every gaming cliché’ you can possibly think of, from exploding red barrels to enemies who rush towards your machine guns en masse. The result isn’t great game design, but it’s still fun in a mindless, arcade-game-style way. Fans of 50 Cent will lap this up – especially as the game features 18 ‘exclusive’ tracks that can be unlocked for listening – and non-fans won’t find it quite as bad as they might expect.
Overall I give 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand a 3/5