Quick Look at New Intel Processor

Year 2010 was a huge success year for Intel’s New Core processor range codenamed “Sandy Bridge” and commonly known as i series processors. With the beginning of year 2011 they announced second series of popular i processor or “Sandy bridge” processor. This will maintain lead of Intel in market of computer processors.

Sandy Bridge Graphics+Block
Sandy Bridge Graphics Block

They have announced a total of 30 new processor among which 15 will be Mobile use and 15 are for desktop usage. Among all these maximum number of Mobile processor are 10 i7 Mobile processor out of which is 1 new i7 extreme processor. Clearly they are concentrating on more processing power for mobile devices. which is now in more demand as more and more people preferring for laptops and tablets over Desktops. Future is for Wireless devices, 3d and mobile platforms including web then sitting with old desktop at home.

Among these new processor they have announced biggest change would be use of Intel’s 32nm architecture and Onboard graphics chips in these processor. It has been said that onboard graphics will be much powerful then it’s earlier version not as powerful as standalone graphic processor. However Intel’s 32nm architecture will ensure that these processor are more efficient uses less power and generate less heat. Intel is also trying to achieve better result by tweaking they HT and Turbo Boost technology in these processor.

Intel’s Quick Sync Video, InTru 3d and WiDi 2.0 is something you should be looking out with these new processor. I am personally very much interested in WiDi more commonly knows as Wireless display where you can transfer your Computer display to other devices wirelessly using a receiver. This is certainly technology that will be widely used in future.

Few of these will be available by middle January and some will hit the market shelf by February, and hopefully all 30 processor will be available in retail market by the end of April.

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